News & Update
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La crisis climática es una crisis sanitaria.
La reciente advertencia de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) sobre la relación entre la crisis climática y la salud pública ha generado una mayor conciencia sobre la interconexión entre ambos temas. Según la OMS, la crisis climática no solo representa una...
La impactante verdad sobre el hidrógeno rosa: ¿está Europa preparada?
En plena transición hacia fuentes de energía renovables, el hidrógeno se perfila como un prometedor combustible alternativo capaz de alimentar desde automóviles hasta fábricas. Pero, ¿Hemos oído hablar del hidrógeno rosa? From all rights reserved...
Progress in Spain
Unicorgreen began twelve years ago with the idea of supplying equipment large EPCs around the world, shortly after our developments came outside of Spain, unfortunately thanks to the government in force at that time, renewables were stagnant. We became specialists in...
Correction of power lines
The Spanish Government gave the green light to the territorial distribution of the first 581 million euros. This first package - informs the Ministry - is consistent with the requirements of the European Union so that at least...
U.S. solar saw record growth during the pandemic year
The U.S. solar industry grew 43% and installed a record 19.2 gigawatts (GWdc) of capacity in 2020, according to the U.S. Solar Market Insight 2020 Year-in-Review report, released today by the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA) and Wood Mackenzie. For the...
Chinese bank issues €2.6bn green bond
China Development Bank (CDB) has issued its first green bond, with the proceeds going to fund renewables projects, such as wind power and solar energy. The 20bn Yuan (€2.6bn), three-year bond has a coupon rate of 3.07% and was offered to global investors through the...