Unicorgreen began twelve years ago with the idea of supplying equipment large EPCs around the world, shortly after our developments came outside of Spain, unfortunately thanks to the government in force at that time, renewables were stagnant.

We became specialists in buying and selling large renewable projects all over the world, and we can finally say that today we are preparing to develop more than 400mw in Spain, in co-development and third-party development mode. And we are very happy to share it with our clients and friends.
As a company focused on the world of clean energy, we are very happy to finally start this great adventure in our country of origin. Our development team is a pool of talent and passion, with great experience and always willing to develop a great job.

While we wait for the deadline to approve the resolution of specifications for the connection to the network. We continue working on our other projects and advancing with our investors, who are increasing every day. Considering Unicorgreen a reference company in almost all countries.
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