The Spanish Government gave the green light to the territorial distribution of the first 581 million euros.
This first package – informs the Ministry – is consistent with the requirements of the European Union so that at least 37% of the resources of the recovery plan are allocated to decarbonization and ecological transition, and 100% comply with the principle of not damaging environment.
The Government is going to allocate just over 581 million euros to finance projects related to sanitation and purification in agglomerations with less than 5,000 inhabitants; support for the implementation of waste regulations; and the correction of power lines to avoid damage to birds, which we think is very much needed and we are very happy about it.

Finally, in terms of biodiversity conservation, the Council of Ministers has agreed to distribute 60 million euros in actions to correct power lines to avoid damage to birds. According to the Ministry, the electrocution of birds in electrical conduction structures has become the main conservation problem for many of the species included in the Spanish Catalog of Threatened Species. There are conservative estimates that refer to the fact that each year, at least 39,000 individuals are killed by electrocution or by collision with power lines.
What seems to us a fact that must be taken as a priority, in terms of species conservation. According to our criteria, we must begin to develop solid bases of protection throughout Spain. We have one of the most important ecological heritage in the world and we cannot let it deteriorate year after year due to lack of budgets and care.
«Spain has a great responsibility in caring for birdlife because we host very important populations of protected species, such as the Iberian imperial eagle or the little bustard, two species that have been affected by unsafe lines in the XXI century», said the Minister Ribera.

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